People were repulsed upon discovering the true process behind mayonnaise production.

Several even stated they had ‘ceased using mayonnaise.’

There’s an abundance of uses for a dollop of mayonnaise, and since it’s one of the most popular condiments, it appeared that nothing could deter people from it… until now.

Why, oh why, do videos emerge unexpectedly to reveal how items are produced?

Initially, it was chicken nuggets, then crab sticks… and now it’s mayo.

Indeed, the cherished sauce that we pour over our fries, sandwiches, and salads.

Can’t we just savor our food in tranquility?

Are you aware of the process of mayo production? (Getty Stock Image)

Evidently not, as since a video revealing how mayo is made was posted, some users on social media have completely renounced the sauce.

Regrettably, once individuals discovered the components involved and how they are blended to produce the gooey white substance we all recognize and appreciate, they concluded that it simply wasn’t worth the trouble.

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