Sleep expert issues warning over little-known impacts of vaping

Airway obstruction

In addition to drying out your throat, Seeley clarified that nicotine consumption can relax the muscles in the throat.

Vaping can cause your throat to dry out (Getty Stock Photo)

Consequently, it could lead to “airway collapse or partial obstruction.”

Increased snoring

Both a dry throat and possible airway obstruction can result in snoring, with Seeley explaining how a lack of moisture can make the tissues in the throat “more susceptible to vibration.”

Regarding partial airway obstruction, he mentioned: “If you smoke or vape, endeavor to quit or avoid doing so prior to going to bed. This should allow your throat a chance to relax.”

Clarifying why snoring occurs, Seeley remarked: “Snoring is the sound generated by your soft palate and other tissues in the mouth, nose, and throat vibrating. If there’s a blockage – whether it’s due to obstructed sinuses, the throat being slightly constricted from the position of the head and neck, or various other causes – it can lead to this soft tissue trembling.

“The nature of the snoring will reveal which soft tissue area is vibrating. A soft, gentle snore signifies that your nasal passages are blocked, while a deep, loud snoring sound indicates that the back of the throat is obstructed.”

To assist in minimizing snoring, thereby likely avoiding disturbance to anyone sharing your bed, Seeley suggested sleeping on your side, refraining from alcohol before bedtime, and adhering to a healthy diet. Furthermore, considering some new pillows may help reduce snoring.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Photo

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